Tuesday, March 20, 2018

March 19 Coco was meant to be in Spanish

Coco was meant to be in Spanish

I would really recommend to watch it in spanish. If you cant understand the language watch it with subtitles because it is amazing. We had the opportunity to watch it for our zone conference this week. It was super hype. 

Another sweet week out here in Muzquiz. We had zone conference this week and so we spent 3 and a half days out in nueva rosita and Sabinas( neighboring cities). It was super hype. Because both of the cities are like over an hour away we spent the night several times in Rosita with our zone leaders and the elders from palau. And let me just tell you super quick. Getting 6 missionaries in the same house is a bad formula. We watched 3 movies in total ( well I didnt watch one of them because I went to sleep early that day) But we watched the best two years ( great movie), the RM ( which literally gave me every disease ever it was so cringey) and then everyone else watched Gods army. But it is so hard to get elders to just go to bed. They are all so amped to be with other elders that they just dont sleep... And I for one am one who loves sleeping with all my heart. It was rough.

This upcoming week we have 6 people who are preparing for baptism and will hopefully be ready to enter into that sacred covenent with the lord. Im so happy to see these people accept the gospel and little by little change their lives for the better as they accept the teachings of Jesus Christ more. I have come to realize more and more the importanec of the message we bring and how much it has changed my life. I have no idea where I would be without the gospel. I have been teaching with a renewed love and excitment. We have been teaching and explaining to so many people what it is that ``mormons beleive`` Its so much fun to go out and just let people know this good news. Becuase it raelly is the happiest message that someone could bring. We are also trying to set up daily family home evenings with people in the ward. President Cahoon shared a story with me from recent years where two elders in Mexico City baptized 100 in 6 months from hold 3 family home evennings a night. And while thats a crazy story, we are trying to have a great story of miracles here in coahila. Its so awesome to be trusted to bring this gospel to these people. I have so much love for the people and I honestly just feel privlaged to share it. I know that the gospel is true with all my heart. I want everyone to have the chance to hear it and accept it. Change their lives and recieve the blessing of eternal life. Look into if you havent. Give it a shot. I promise the experience of a life time if you pursue it with an open heart.

Im just going to keep preaching what I know and love. I unfortunatly dont have any crazy funny stories this week. But it was over all a great week. Im so happy out here. If you see the missionaries this week stop and say hi to them. It means a lot to us.

El Guapo Elder Smith

Thursday, March 15, 2018

March 12

Masticable means Chewable. In case you didnt know... Because let me tell you. I thought I read my medicine right, but Ive been swallowing this huge chewable pill because I didnt know that word. Just another week here in the great country of mexico. I really had a rough week. To start things off, I had the pleasure of having this super bad stomach bug all week. And in addition to spending a third of my time in the bathroom I had a stinking cold all day. ( shout out to Elder Sabey for passing that one off). So this week overall was really pretty hard to get through. But it went by faster than I thought it would. Elder sabey says I tend to get weird when Im tired/sick. And I would deny it, But I was so out of it several days. We didnt even go out of the house on thursday because I like couldnt move. And we did our weekly planning, But I had to redo it, because I didnt remember anything that we talked about. BUT despite being slightly dead throughout the week. We still went out and tried to work. We wanted to take a break from just contacting a bunch of random houses, so we went through 5 years of old investigators and tried to go visit a ton of them that seemed like they had some promise. It ended up being okay, but we didnt have a ton of success. We walked way out to kingdom come. several time to find some people. But none of them answered, or didnt want anything to do with us. So we are going to be changing our contact back to just random houses. At least we get to talk to people. But that being said, we did find a new family of investigators. Carmin and her daughter, cousin and niece. All of them are dilligently reading the book of mormon and are coming to church ( which is so hard to get people there). They have a fecha for the 24 of march. Im super excited for them. They are people who the lord has truly prepared. Im almost positive they will be baptized and Im jsut so excited for them. They are all excited for general conference even!!. Im so blessed to even help them. So I had some scary firsts this week. Mainly I gave my first spanish blessing. It was so scary, and also kind of weird. Here in Mexico ( and in the spanish language) when giving someone a blessing you use a different from of the word you. And its just weird to use it, because we dont use it casually as a missionary. So that was a fun and scary experience. I also had the pleasure of giving my first 10 minute talk in spanish. And it went super well. I didnt really write anything down. I just wrote down some scriptures I wanted to share, and then trusted the lord. And sure enough lots of good spanish came out. ANd it was a good talk about revelation. I have to be a little honest. I said I would bring my journal to write to write a better letter, and I did. But this week was not a super crazy week. I dont have any crazy stories or anything. We did find some cool parts of our area that I had never seen. (pictures included). But thats about it. Well Much love from out here in Mexico. Your little mexican Elder Smith

Monday, March 5, 2018

March 5, 2018

So... I ate brain. And it actually wasnt bad at all. We had them in some super sick tacos. And I ate like six, so it was lit. So this week in terms of the work has been our best and most profitable week. We found a crazy 25 new investigators this week. It was super releaving to actually be finding and teaching, The first little bit of this white wash here in Muzquiz was super slow. But Elder Sabey and I are finally working really well and the work is moving forward. We have this little strat where we'll just stop at a corner and pray and then just walk where ever we feel like and then knock on random doors like that. And that is how we have found our most promising investigators. Its amazing how the lord will guide you to the people that he has prepared. This week I also learned that here in mexico we use daylight savings. Which is going to be super weird to adjust to seeing as I have never had to deal with it before ( bless arizona for that). But Ill learn quickly how to adjutst. Ill let you all know how it goes. Muzquiz is super awesome. There is this little taqueria new our house that we go to frequently ( we'll probably go tonight) and get gringas for dinner or tacos. Its super awesome. SOme of the food here is super good. But other types really make me sick. The pasta here is bien trash. Like i really cant stand it, yet we still eat it every single day for comida. Its really been a challange.But I had a member tell me the other day that my face looks fuller than it did 3 weeks ago. So maybe Im gaining weight. I probably am. Flour tortillas here are so unbeleivably good. If we have the chance to eat them I usually will tackle that meal pretty hard. Also I learned some cool things. If you eat them with just avocado and some salt when they are hot its suuuuper yummy! Spanish doesnt really seem to be moving forward too fast. I get lost a lot in conversation. But when we are teaching the words will jsut come to my mouth and we teach with power in the spanish langhuage. Its so cool to see that miracle of the gift of toungues in my life so often. Im going to be a fluent little guerro in no time at all. Before I know it Im going to be speaking spanish better than english. Speaking of time, I cant even belive that its march already. Time is moving so fast. I need it to chill. Im not ready to be going through my mission so quick. Ive only been out for a little while, but I remember leaving like it was yesterday and the time has just gone so fast. The longer im out the faster the weeks go. I only have like 80 left... YIKES. But Im still super excited to be able to serve for that time and ill make it worth it! Im not planning on coming home with any regrets. SO I got to keep working pretty dang hard. I love you all, and love hearing from you guys. SOrry for not having the longest email, but I never can really think of crazy experiences we have. Ill bring my journal next week and make my emails a bit better. And I finally get to send some pictures so I hope yall enjoy! Elder Smith