Monday, May 14, 2018

May 14

This week while out contacting, we met an interesting guy. He was so drunk to preface and he began to relate a story. He was pretty boracho and was trying to talk, but it just kind of came out super slurred and he was shouting a lot. So now with that, he started this story. And he told us about how one night he went to bed drunk, and how all of a sudden DESPIERTO, y yo escuchè musica, pero yo no oigo bien, entonce porquè yo escuche eso hermano? Era Dios? Dime por favor. ( And AWAKE, and then I heard music but I dont hear good, so why did I hear this Brother. Was it God? Tell me please) He then went and continued to share the story three or four more times. I chuckled in one of them because he was acting it out and in the end. Elder Sabey and I decided that his neighbor where just playing music really loud. And that was what he was hearing. It was so funny. This week over all has been a good one. It has been getting hotter and hotter. And not to mention the humidity(that part is killing me). So we are kind of at this point where we are always wet. From the time we leave the house in the morning to when we get home at night. And let me tell you it is kind of gross. I heard this before, that even though I am from a hot place, your mission will be the hottest place you`ve ever been. And we still have some more heat to have, but it is bad certain days. We are so blessed to have a minisplit in our house (basically one room ac). Also exciting, we have several families here that we are working quite dilligently with here. One family is the Robles Orozco family, and they are basically a second family here. They are so dang awesome. The mom is a long time member, and the dad is a recent convert. Then the 2 daughters arent members yet, but one of them started bringing her friend to church, and she loved it. She has already read the all of the pearl of great price and she loved it. Its crazy. We are trying to help them feel ready to be baptized by the end of may. Should be a really special one since their dad has the priesthood and can actually be the one to baptize them. Well little by little mission life continues forward. Elder Sabey has had a cold this week, but is doing better and we just are out here working and serving it up. Mission life is definently a difficult thing, but talking to my family yesterday for mothers day makes it a little easier(; Well I love you all so much, Keep trusting in the Lord and he shall prepare thy ways. Elder Smith PS Sorry no pictures this week. Forgot to take them... These pictures are from last week.

Monday, May 7, 2018


Yeah so to clarify I didn't change missions again. I just went to Mccallin Texas to get another Visa. So now that is 3 for me, and the lady told me if we somehow mess it up again, I dont get another and I'll be deported. So. Super fun week la verdad. So several exciting things. I did make it back to Mexico, and we had some good American food. Which man alive is it going to be nice to be back in the states in like 18 more months. Fun thing. I hit 6 months like a week and a half ago. Burned the tie and everything. ( dont tell my mom...) But such good memories. We bought gringas and everything. A true Mexican celebration. Now only 6 more before the shirt goes (; Im not sure what else to really talk about. Im going to be staying here another 6 weeks here in Muzquiz. And it should be fun. I know the lord has people here who are prepared, but the truth is. Its been so hard here, I was kind of hoping to change areas. So now I have to swallow my pride and just work hard and get some results here. The lord never gives a commandment to the children of men save he prepares the way for them to accomplish that which has commanded them. Today we went down to the river in palau and took pictures because sadly Elder Villarauz is leaving us here and is heading up to piedras negras. So, we are losing a brother and getting some more. But I will miss that guy, he is so awesome. It has been so much fun to work with him and I hope we will be in the same zone a little further down the line. I am sorry but this letter isnt going to be the best. I dont have a lot to talk about. But Ill send some pictures along with the short letter. Love you all so much. Elder Smith