Monday, September 17, 2018

Wow Parenthood is tough Sept, 17, 2018

I have a kid. Here in the mission, when you train a new missionary, you say that the newbie is you kid. So I have a new companion, and he is also new in the mission. He is MIJO. SO exciting. But we are still here in Allende, but now, with Elder Croxall from Brandon Florida(Its by tampa) and he is very willing and excited to jump into spanish. He is a little overwhelmed at the moment, but all missionaries are at the beginning. He'll be a great missionary.

This week we started out a little weird. I had to go down to saltillo to pick up my kid. And Tuesday we had a bunch of meetings. And I had to translate in both english and spanish. It was so crazy to see how far I have come. Like I have changed to much. Im so proud of how far Ive come, but I want to get even better. Spanish is growing on me so much. I love the language, and I love the people.

Well this week my kid got to start his mission off with a baptism. This week Melany got baptized. She has been waiting for 8 weeks, and she just got baptized. It was a super special service. And then Sunday my comp was sick and puking so I went to church while he stayed home with a member of the Elders Quoryum, while I went to the confirmation. And then came home and took care of him the rest of the day. So how is that for a first week.

Well I feel lazy yet again, but I send all my love and a few pictures of my work here in Allende. The baptism of Melany, and then some pipe for smoking weed we foudn in a house. The lady thought it was just some normal decoration, and didnt realize!!! LOLOLOL

Love you all.
Elder Smith

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

A blessed week of my mission - Sept 4

This week, has been one of the best weeks in all of my mission. Hands down. It was a long and hard one, but I have found those to be best. But something a little more special this week, was we had the opportunity to learn directly from one of the lord special servants. Elder David A. Bednar visited our mission this week and gave us a special and unique conference with just us missionaries. There are only 100 of us, so it was very personaly and something that I will never forget.

So Thursday night Elder Reyes and I traveled to Piedras Negras to have a zone meeting before we traveled down to Saltillo for the conference, so we had 1.5 hours up to Piedras and then our bus left from there at 12 AM. The Middle of the night. And arrived in Salitllo at 7:30ish in the morning. And then we had to take a taxi over to the building where the conference was to be held. After waiting for a little while, Elder Bednar showed up, and we took a picture and then we all went inside and had the single most amazing conference of my life. We did a question and answer format for the conference, and addressed so many topics in 4 hours about. Most of what we talked about seems rather sacred and i would prefer not to share, but to share just a little. We all need to learn to accept and love the will of God. In there lies happiness. At the end of the conference, he told us, he had never had an experience as such with missionaries in his 14 years as an apostle. So it truly was something I cant ever take for granted. 

Then after our conference, we had some burritos, and then myself and 3 other missionaries went to Dairy Queen, because it had been too long since my last blizzard, and it was amazing. we then went ack to the bus station to go home. We got home at 12:30 in the morning, and jsut collapsed and slept for a very long time. But after we woke up we had the chance to help 3 more of Gods children into the waters of baptism. Edith, Erik(her son) and EmaƱuel. It was another blessed and special experience. I am so humbled and grateful to the lord for blessing us with success. He is great and marvillious.

I just want to let you all know, how much I love you. Keep making good decisions, and spend a little less time in facebook, and a little more reading the scriptures. It will change your life. I promise you as a servant of the Lord.

Elder Smith