Monday, December 3, 2018

December 3, "Porque no prendió el boiler?"

Well... I may or may not of forgotten to heat up the water for a baptism this week. Which resulted in the coldest baptism of my life. I was shaking and the poor girl was shaking a ton as well. But reguardless it was still a super awesome experience. Well the girl was Sanjuanita and she was so excited. She got to get baptized on her birthday which was December 1st. (Same day as my nieces Madyson and Tayla) And she turned 16 that day( also the same as my nieces which was a little weird and ironic). But none the less, it was a super awesome experience.

This week has been a weird one. We went out and just did the same with working hard day in and day out. And then we had Elder Sabey come out while he had the flu to do an interview, and I got stuck with him inside the house not doing anything. It was a super "fun" way to spend the majority of the day.

So this week elder Croxall spoiled Infinty war for me, as well as the 8th star wars. So now I understand just out stinky kids can be. HA, just kidding I love that guy, He is awesome.

Some sad news is the fact that Elder Croxall tomorrow is going to Saltillo, as well as Elder Sabey. Im staying here in Allende, and am getting a new companion. Named Elder Ortega. Ive heard he is cool. Which will be fun. We should make Allende explode. but Elder Reyes is going to Zaragoza(/the other part of my district) Which I didnt think I was going to be seeing him anytime soon. But oh well. Theres a reason God wants me here.And now I just need to work hard and find my reason. 

I hope the pictures are sufficient. Ill take more this week. I love you all so much, and hope you have a great week and a jolly christmas season!

Elder Smith

Monday, November 26, 2018

November 26 ¡¡¡¡¡¡OAXALOTA!!!!!

I invite you all to just try and pronounce that word (Ill give the answer at the bottom of the page). TURKEY DAY!!!! This has been a fantastically amazing wonderfully awesome week. I'm just so grateful to be alive and to be serving a mission! But among being so grateful for all my many blessings, it my joy I left my camera at home. So quick apology for the lack of photos. There will be many the follow week. So STAY TUNED!

Well I had some people comment asking if we had a thanksgiving dinner. And the answer is not only did we have one. But we had an amazing thanksgiving dinner with the Elders from Zaragoza out in their area with their neighbor who is awesome. It was an amazing meal, where we got to enjoy the holiday, and just talk with some really awesome people. So I stay happy and thankful for everything. 

To jump right into it, we have another firm fecha(baptismal date). Her name is San Juanita, she is someone that Elder Reyes and I actually found together, but she wasn't ready at the time. And now she has moved back in with her parents and now has come to church with us. We taught her in the week, and she was so focused and when we extended the invitation to her to be baptized on the first, she told us it was her birthday and how that would be the perfect day to do it. It was such a sweet experience. The spirit was so strong. As the week went on, we had a family home evening with them and some family members of her who are members, and then we got a call that they were in Muzquiz because an uncle had passed away. So we had to reschedule. But as we prayed and fasted, I worried a little about not having anyone in church, because the other we are working with, arent progressing very fast. And then Sunday morning, and young member had brought his non member friend named Gustavo. It was awesome to see that tender mercy in our lives, and now we have someone else to work with as well. Which is awesome.   

We also had an amazing Sunday, where we had this great meeting for missionary work in the ward, as well as we made goals as a ward for for the work should be done. So we have some pretty high goals, and should be finding all of our new people through members from here on out. Which is such a relief, because knocking random doors doesn't work the best, and can be uncomfortable and awkward. but We will still do that, but more focused on members from now on. 

Elder croxall and I have been working really well together as of late. As he is about to finish up his training, I left him make most of the decisions, which sometimes he doesn't like, but he has grown so much in the time. Its been really cool to see the long term growth of someone you live with. Hes a great guy.
For Chloe, my favorite thing this week had to of been working with San Juanita. the way she lights up when we talk about the gospel just makes me happy. I love watching the spirit work with people in front of me. last night as well, Elder Sabey and I called someone from Muzquiz named Amalia, who we had been working with for a very long time while I was there. She ended up getting baptized and we talked with her last night to see how everything is going and to encourage her. And she is such a new person and keeps asking up about the process to go on a mission. She is determined to serve one even though her mom isn't a member and doesn't completely support her. She is such an example to me. I'm grateful to of gotten to know her. 
The biggest smile this week was probably at a ward activity, where elder Croxall and I got to play some musical chairs. And well, I lost. But it was super fun. I had such a big smile on my face while playing and even after.
The weather here has actually been super nice. I still wear a sweating because I'm a baby, but nice.

Well I promise I will send pictures next week. But I love you all so much. I hope you all have an amazing week. And this Saturday, Find a way to serve for the worldwide day of service!

Elder Smith

*prounciation: Oaxalota= Wah-ha-low-tah

November 19,The Primary program melts my heart

The primary program this week actually melted my heart and it was just so cute. Reminded me of my little primary class from two years ago and all the cute little kids from the ward back home. It was just sweet. And also, 3 of my converts were in it, which also just made me so happy to see them taking those steps forward. My last Sunday in my home ward was the primary program, and I remember thinking to myself, "that was little the greatest way to leave for my mission", And now with this one as well, I'm just reminded of the words or Jesus to the Nephite people,

38 Y otra vez os digo que debéis arrepentiros, y ser bautizados en mi nombre, y volveros como un niño pequeñito, o de ningún modo heredaréis el reino de Dios. 

And as I copied that I realized it was in Spanish, for which I apologize, but I don't want to look it up in English. But it says we must become as a little child to inherit the kingdom of God. And its so true. When we can learn from our young ones, life is different. We are better disciples and we are more obedient to the father. So just a great program. 

So fun story. My whole mission, I have had the goal to eat an habanero pepper. Which are very very spicy. So last night, with Elders Pinedo, Sabey and Croxall, we each entered the pain zone together. And oh my word. It hurt way more than I was expecting. My body was leaking from my whole face. Like let me just tell you. It was so spicy. We went through a lot of ice cream, and so much pain. There was a lot of screaming, and some unpleasant Burps. But all of us passed the test. And my Spanish improve from the pain. They say if you want to speak Spanish, you have to eat chile. I am a witness of this promise.

I received this super awesome Aztec blanket from a member a few months ago, But I never sent a picture. Its one of the prized possession that I have received on the mission. Its sooo cool.

Well I just wanted to give this little update. I love you all so much. Thanks for the letters and support.

For Chloe,
Prettiest thing I saw this week, We made some American Hamburgers in the house. Gorgeous.
best thing I ate, The hamburger again. Or we got brownies again. Super yum
I got the biggest smile at the Primary program. I teared up a little. 
A challenge I over came, was the chile. And Now I wont do it again. (:
What I miss most, Christmas at home (which for us smiths starts in November)

Elder Smith

November 14 Que Rollo con el Pollo?

So, this week was such a special one. JORGE got baptized and it was such a cool thing to be a part of. He asked me to baptize him and I felt so honored to do so. It was kind of funny, when he went to go under, he didnt bend his knees, and almost hit his head on the wall because of that. I had to make a super sick reflex save, and he just barely didnt hit. But because of my ninja like reflexes, his hand didnt go under, and we had to do the ordenece again. But its all good. the other little girl is named Angela, and its Jorge´s cousin. She is only 8 years old and her mom is a member so the bishop is in charge of her baptism. So when we told the bishop about Jorges baptism, he suggested that we call Angela to see if she wanted to be baptized as well, which she did. So they got baptized together, and she asked the bishop to baptize her. It warms my heart, because both of them are such sweet kids and were so excited. There were lots of tears. Im happy I got to be an instrument in the lords hand.

We also had zone conference this week. Which meant going and staying several days in Piedras Negras. Which all went very well. We stayed with Elder Schulthies and Elder Garcia, and Shulthies is one of my brother in the mission. He has also become one of my best friends here as well, so we ended up staying up, and talking and having some spiritual discussions, and just talking about life as a whole. Which was awesome. We also went to this super nice restaurant called Tierra Santa, which was some of the best food Ive had in the past year, hands down. We had some really cool steak tacos, and man. Food can change lives. I also cut onions, and cried a lot

This week I also finished the book of Mormon in Spanish. And I can share with full confidence, that that book is the word of God. There is no other book more powerful or imporant here on the earth. I wish to add my testimony to the many Prophets who have testified of its wonder and truths, I testify that it is the most correct book on the planet. And through reading it, any person can come to know their savior better. It has power to change your life, as it has mine. I have felt of the testifying power of the spirit too many times to every deny that book. I declare it is true. And I invite all to read it, ponder its message and ask of God to know of its truth. It will bringer greater Joy and Peace into your lives.

I want to express my love for all of you. I had to retype this message super fast. I hope you all enjoy it as well as the pictures. Have a great week!

Elder Smith

November 5, Chile

We ate more chile. And Elder Pinedo cried. BIENVENIDO A MEXICO(: But dont worry, this time we didnt give any to Elder Croxall. But man, dont know how its going to be to one day return home and not eat chile everyday. I feel as though I will actutally be lost without it...

But onto more important things, this week we took some pretty good steps forward. Jorge officially has another baptismal date for this Saturday. And we have been working alot with the parents, and we have been recieving support from his dad, so Everything should go very well with that. 

This week in Mexico was Dia de Muertos, so if any of you have seen Coco. You know a little bit about what its like. Here in the north where there in more american influence it is not as big. But the cemeteries look very pretty with all the flowers and its a very big a cool flower day. To explain a little bit, they put up altars with pictures of family and put old clothing, and sometimes they put out their favorite foods. Everything is covered in the orange and purple flowers and its super pretty. Its a cool time because people start asking questions more about what really happens after you die. And then we can help them find these answers a little bit more readily. Its a good time to be a missionary and to help people. 

We had a super fun time doing exchanges with Elder Sabey and Elder Pinedo this week. They came over and worked with us on Thursday, and then we helped them work in their area of Friday. And it was really fun and awesome to work with some other missionaries, and learn from them as well. We also ate more chile piquin, as well as chile serrano. The serrano was not that spicy, but the piquin was. Those little guys hurt your mouth. But when in Mexico.

So this week, I pushed hard to finish the Book of Mormon in Spanish for the first time, and I only made it to Ether 9 (missing like 36 pages) so Ill have to finish it another time. But in so doing, I have come to have an even deeper  conversion to the Lord thanks to this holy book. Its true, its all I can say of it. It is the most true book on the planet. You can know just by reading and feeling the still small voice of the spirit tough your heart. Its amazing to hold such a book in your hands, and even better to feel the power in your life. I know and testify of the truth of The Book of Mormon. I know it is true with every fiber of my being. 

Lots of Love, 
Elder Smith

To explain the idiot sandwich video.

October 29 "Elder Esmit, porque siempre se pone rojo?

The members in a family home evening last night kept making fun of me because I easily turn red. And each time they asked me why I'm like that, I just turned red again. So that my life at the moment.

I have come to a point where I have been here in Allende for 4.5 months, and I just love this area and honestly don't want to leave. It would be so awesome to be here for another few months. We are working with members, and are find some cool people weekly, and its been fun. I love my little pueblecito.

So onto some stories this week. We went to a members house these week for lunch, and she offered us some Chile, and said that they are spicy. But I didn't believe her, so I offered to try one out, and my comp did it too, and indeed it was kind of spicy. i felt find after and well, elder Croxall, not so much. It hurt his tummy, and after a lot more pepto we are back at 100%. But now I have realized a big change in me, if my food doesn't have Chile, it doesn't taste as good. Going back to american food one day is going to be a very very rough transition. but at the moment, I'm going to enjoy my delicious Mexican food.

i also burned a shirt this week, to mark my one year in my mission time. And it burned up real nice. And kind of burned the floor outside our house. Oops... But its ll good. no pasa nada. We are all safe and I cleaned the floor. We also in our house the past few days have had no water pressure. So our showers are kind of funny, because its just a trickle of water, and itsnot the most fun, but I still think its a fun little adventure. 

well I hope you all enjoy the pictures and enjoy the irony of having a pepsi glass with a bottle of coke to put into it. And I love you all so much. I hope you all have a fantastic week!!!

Elder Smith

October 22, Short country + Tall man = Hurt head

Lets just put it this way. People in mexico are generally shorter than they are in the states, and so the stuff he is all shorter. And well Elder Croxall is 6'5. SO last Monday, he WHACKED his head so hard that he wasn't all here the whole week.

So that was the preface of the week. Because Croxall wasn't going to be working because of the head thing, Tuesday I went and did an exchange with Elder Sabey out in Zaragoza which was super fun to work and catch up with him. Then I came back to Allende for our district counsel, and my companion still wasn't doing too well, so we talked with Nurses and tried to get medication to help him, but we didn't end up working really Wednesday or Thursday because his head hurt too much. But we did go to Piedras Thursday night for a health conference Friday morning(it was ironic, because it was about health, and Elder Croxall was not healthy) and then we came back home and got to work. We worked hard all day Friday, and Saturday and Sunday. And we found some super awesome people. So we made the comeback and made the week good.

So I would love the send the pictures we sent this week, but I'm  in not the best Ciber and don't trust sending pictures. SORRY. I will send more next week.

Pero, queria decirlos, que los amo. Ustedes son muy importante para mi, y tambien siempre estoy agradecido por su apoyo. LOS AMO!

Elder Smith